Asia Coastal Ocean Color Portal (A-COP) is a service operated by the Earth Surface System Research Center at Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC/ESS) that provides near real-time display and distribution of satellite-observed ocean color data for the Asia region.
Area: Asia
Area: Asia
Area: Asia
Area: Asia
A-COP website (Here in after referred to as the "website") and the data distributed from the website are created and operated by Earth Surface System Research Center at Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC/ESS) in cooperation with Earth Observation Research Center at Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA/EORC), JAXA Earth API provided by JAXA/EORC and Tokai university Research and Information Center (TRIC).
The following policies and disclaimers apply to the website and the data distributed from the website.
You may freely link to the A-COP website. When linking to the website, it is recommended that links point to since no guarantees can be made regarding the permanence of other pages. JAMSTEC accepts no responsibility or liability in relation to content delivered from servers external to JAMSTEC, including those servers that link to the website.
All documents, images, and other data provided on the website and the copyrights therein are in principle subject to the JAMSTEC site policy and belong to the property of JAMSTEC, unless otherwise stated.
JAMSTEC site policyIn principle, the JAMSTEC sata policy applies to data distributed from the website, but unless otherwise stated, data is available free of charge, including for scientific, educational, and industrial use. However, in the case of data distributed from sources other than JAMSTEC, the policy applicable to the source data takes precedence.
JAMSTEC data policyWhen publishing results (papers, websites, application software, etc.) that use data distributed from the website, please clearly state that you obtained the data from this website, for example, "The data used in this paper have been obtained from A-COP of JAMSTEC/ESS". In addition, we would appreciate it if you could contact us via the e-mail address provided in the Contact section regarding the results you have published, as we would like to evaluate the results of the use of the distributed data.
All and any content (documents, distributed data, etc.) on the website are subject to change or cancellation without prior notice. JAMSTEC assumes no responsibility or liability in relation to damages resulting from the content of these documents and the use of the data distributed from the site, nor changes and so forth to the content of these documents and the use of the data distributed from the site. In addition, JAMSTEC accepts no responsibility or liability for any damages, whether incurred directly or indirectly, due to the use of the pages of the website.
Those policies are subject to change without notice. If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail in the Contact section.
Please send inquiries to the following e-mail address.
a-cop[at] (Please replace [at] with "@" when sending an email)